Pet Allergy Remedy for Cats

  The cat is a lovely animal and though may be a friend its allergy dander is also something to be watchful about. You may fall in the 100 million populations of the Americans who love and have pets but are you allergic to pets? Research has shown that people with pets live longer than those who do not own one. People having pet do no easily get depressed nor have hypertensions this is because they love their pet and treats it like a friend. Well, that’s for another day. Today, I am writing on pet allergy remedy and majorly for cats.
I love cats as well but over the years, I have been careful enough to avoid getting ill of the allergy symptoms. And today, I have come up with the various remedies in which I put in place to avoid or reduce drastically, the allergy from my pet.
1.    Since my cat is a friend and I want to accept that, I will want to treat her like a friend indeed and allow her into my house but never into my bedroom. This can be very dangerous for allergic people. So, do not allow your cats into your bedrooms.
2.    Washing of your cat on a daily basis with medicated soaps will go a long way in helping reduce the pet dander.
3.    Avoid kissing your cat. This may sound unfriendly right? Well, we kiss our friends in the human world but to avoid ill health, your cat isn’t safe for your kiss.
4.    Avoid using the same plates or cutleries with your cat. Even if you are not away of this, make sure it doesn’t happen by avoiding your cat entrance into your kitchen.
5.    Avoid sleeping on your cats mat or similar habitation.
6.    Excessive carrying of your cat about can cause allergy for you. So, avoid constant touching of your cat
7.    Always wash your hands with soap as well as purified water each and every time you touch your cat.
 Finally, upon your avoidance of allergy, do not be cruel to your pet. She is still your best friend isn’t it?